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馬島昇、Noboru Mashima、オフィシャルサイト、プロフィール、アコースティックギタリスト
おはなしノート,地獄少女,新幻想紀行,東方幻想画報,馬島昇,Noboru Mashima,アコースティックギタリスト,孟世,ナレーション,能登麻美子

Mamiko Noto

Japanese voice actor, singer, narrator, stage actress. Born in Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture.
The owner of the best healing voice in the voice actor world. Belongs to the Osawa office.
Main appearance work: The role of Haruka Nogizaka in "The Secret of Haruka Nogizaka". The role of Enma Ai in the "Hell Girl" series.
"Kimi ni Todoke" as Sawako Kuronuma and many others

Nippon Cultural Broadcasting: "Earth Note" Main Personality

"Mamiko Noto Story NOTE"

Noboru Mashima

Japanese new age composer and acoustic guitarist.

Born in Ueda City, Nagano Prefecture. It expresses a unique world of video music that is nostalgic and full of transparency.
1995 Made a major debut with the album CD "LIFE" from Pony Canyon (publisher Century Records).

13 songs were provided in "Touhou Illusion Pictorial Special Edition New Illusion Journey" (Toranoana production / narration by voice actor Mamiko Noto).


馬島昇,孟世,能登麻美子,東方,Noboru Mashima,ニューエイジミュージック,New Age Music,アコースティックギター,アコースティックギタリスト,acoustic guitarist

 01:The story of the beginning-Dream Within a Dream-

Narration: Mamiko Noto

Music: Noboru Mashima

 03:The second story-Spring breeze dream-
Narration: Mamiko Noto
Music: Noboru Mashima

 05:Fourth story-a dream of blooming souls-
Narration: Mamiko Noto
Music: Noboru Mashima

 09:Last story-Mysterious daily life of a flying shrine maiden-
Narration: Mamiko Noto
                 Music: Noboru Mashima

 10:Dream of Reality -
Narration: Mamiko Noto
Music: Noboru Mashima

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