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Light of the soul

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paypal,Noboru Mashima,馬島昇

Light of the soul

Light of the soul -(15 songs in total)

1. On the golden wings
2. Light window
3. Izayoi
4. Akatsuki no Uta
5. Mother of the sun
6. The soulful garden
7. Nostalgic poem
8. 8. Rianon
9. Promise
10. On the wind across the ocean
12. Canopus
13. Ripples
14. Shijima - Silence
15. Moon Road


Light of the soul、アコースティックギタリスト,Acoustic Guitarist,Noboru  Mashima ,馬島昇,ニューエイジ ミュージック,  New Age Music,  フィンガースタイル

From songs full of dynamism to quiet songs that soothe the soul, new An album that expresses Mashima World.

- 2004-2022 -

Mix & Mastering Studio:Cross Current Studio

*Mixed and Mastered by Noboru Mashima

New Release (Album)


※ This album is available now

The album can also be downloaded and purchased on this site.

  (Download price: 1500 yen)

(Download price: 1500 yen)     

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